(T) 91 660 18 67 - (F) 901 02 18 50 info@geoconsult.es


Design and study of mining exploitations

Mining Services

GEOCONSULT has an extensive international experience in the field of mining.

Services developed in this area range from the designs and studies of mining and its associated facilities as well as control and monitoring of excavations, to the restoration and environmental treatment of the affected areas.

Throughout our history we have provided services in the field of mining both underground and open pit.

Underground Mining


Underground exploitation cave of limestones for aggregate and cement, Spain


Slate mining project A Fraguiña (Cafersa), Spain

Underground Mining
Design and supervision

Design, study and control for the exploitation of mining resources under the surface of the land.

  • Geological and geotechnical study to establish optimal locations of caves
  • Structural calculations: pillars, design of auxiliary and main galleries for access to underground workings.
  • Design of instrumentation systems and control of operations both internally and externally
  • Tracking & monitoring of mines and 3D modeling of the excavation progress
  • Ventilation studies and design of ancillary facilities (air, water, lighting, wiring) for implementing operations.
  • Design of underground ventilation systems, both primary and secondary ventilation. Using the VENTSIM program.
  • Design of electrical installations necessary for implementation development.
  • Design of air and water facilities
  • Studies and assessments for material extraction from inside to outside
  • Studies and assessments to determine the equipment required to carry out the work for mining operation.
Open Pit Mining


Geological – geotechnical study of the 1st extension to “Matagallar”, Spain


Study of the physical stability of operating and inoperative waste dumps (Standby), Peru

Open Pit Mining
Study, analysis, design and follow-up

Design, study and control for the exploitation of mining resources under the surface of the land.

  • Slope stability study in cut and fill process
  • Analysis of slope stability and strata rollovers
  • Design of instrumentation and control systems
  • Tracking & monitoring of mines and 3D modeling of the excavations