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We start a new phase

25 November, 2019

A company with more than 30 years of history like INCOSA goes through very different times and stages. From the beginning, as a small local services company established in 1985, has grown to national expansion and then international markets, becoming a multinational firm that develops projects in more than 30 countries. And all this living very intense experiences, some better and others not so much, that have brought us so far.

We begin now a new stage.

With the help of our shareholder, Gerardo Gutiérrez, a Leonese entrepreneur with great experience and recognized prestige, we have laid the foundations to start this new stage.

Starting from what we know how to do well, we want to grow and expand to new markets and customers. We have shown that we are a company capable of competing with the best firms, developing projects globally with success, which will be the basis of our growth.

In this new stage, we are committed to strengthening the main advantage we have, people. In a company with more than 400 highly qualified professionals, talent management is vital. We want to be able to attract and retain the best professionals, who will help us in this process of growth.

We have the vision of becoming a reference engineering at a global level, both for the quality of its services and professionals and for its profitability and for being a business model to which people want to come to work.

We have all the illusion of starting a new path with the support of our people and we are convinced that we can achieve it.

Javier Cid Gil

Consejero Delegado

Reinforce the main advantage we have: People